ZX Spectrum

Turbo the Tortoise

Hi-Tec Software Ltd (Великобритания),

Авторы: , , ,

Жанр: Платформеры


  • Русский
  • English


  • Интерфейс 2(?)
  • Кемпстон джойстик(?)
  • Клавиши на выбор(?)


  • Один

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Оригинальное издание
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Аннотация к Turbo the Tortoise

Увлекательная игра о приключениях Турбо, черепахи с суперспособностями. Доктор Муллинер создает кибернетическую технологию, но неожиданный инцидент приводит к появлению нового супергероя. Теперь Турбо отправляется в путешествие во времени, чтобы собрать шесть компонентов для завершения прототипа.

Игроку предстоит пройти через шесть временных зон, сражаясь с врагами, избегая опасностей, открывая бонусы и секретные локации. В конце каждой зоны страж охраняет нужный предмет, и победа над ним приведет к завершению зоны. Внимание: не всех врагов легко победить, некоторые сильнее чем кажутся.

Готовьтесь к захватывающим приключениям с Турбо в этой ретро-игре!



Карта игры Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Карта игры Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Карта игры Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Карта игры Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Карта Turbo the Tortoise

Краткая информация о Turbo the Tortoise

Запустите Turbo the Tortoise и играйте. Это игра-платформер, которую создали Visual Impact, Dave Thompson, Jarrod Bentley и Dennis Mulliner, была издана компанией Hi-Tec Software Ltd в 1992 году в Великобритании.

Аннотация к Turbo the Tortoise

Exciting game about the adventures of Turbo, a turtle with superpowers. Doctor Mulliner creates cybernetic technology, but an unexpected incident leads to the emergence of a new superhero. Now Turbo embarks on a time-traveling journey to collect six components to complete the prototype.

The player needs to go through six time zones, battling enemies, avoiding dangers, uncovering bonuses, and secret locations. At the end of each zone, a guardian protects the necessary item, and defeating them will result in completing the zone. Note: not all enemies are easy to defeat, some are stronger than they seem.

Get ready for thrilling adventures with Turbo in this retro game!

Оригинальное описание Turbo the Tortoise

Turbo The Tortoise

Hi-Tec Software

Doctor Mulliner, the world renowned scientist and part-time pub singer, is developing the latest Cybernetic technology.

Whilst creating his first prototype, a freak uncontrollable and unexpected chain of events occur. His pet tortoise Wal decides to start hibernation in the Matter Doesn’t Matter chamber. The Doctor’s psychopathic assistant Beckett, unaware of this fact, activates the generators; simultaneously, a 4.75 giga-watt bolt of lightning blitz’s the control circuits, causing a massive overload in the artificial intelligence system.

As the smoke clears the chamber is opened, but no-one is prepared for what is about to be discovered. Through the thick mist an outline of what appears to be a huge tortoise can be seen, but it can’t be, can it … yes, now possessing Super Tortoise Powers is our new super hero.


After the initial shock the Doctor’s lightning quick brain begins to scheme. To complete his prototype there are six major components still required. There is a slight problem however; all known supplies have been exhausted. The only solution is to travel through time to where the items were first discovered. As time travel is relatively easy these days, Turbo now possessing Super Tortoise Powers, is sent on his first mission to collect them.


You play the part of Turbo, who must progress through six time zones collecting mystical items, avoiding hordes of weird and wonderful nasties, discovering hidden bonuses and secret locations, and it that’s not enough, conquering the guardian found at the end of each zone. When the guardian has been defeated, the item needed will appear. On collection, the zone will be complete.

Disposing of enemies

The majority of enemies can be disposed of by jumping on their heads or hitting them with the current weapon, but beware some are a lot stronger than they appear.

Loading instructions


Type LOAD”” then press ENTER.


Keys are redefinable, or use Sinclair or Kempston joystick.

Q – Up

A – Down

O – Left

P – Right

Space – Fire

F – Freeze

Programming, game design & graphics by Visual Impact

Inlay design & print by Marketing Advertising Design

(c) program Pal Development 1992

Published under license by Hi-Tec Software Ltd.

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