Раздел: Образовательные
Игр в разделе: 1627
Intermediate Level Maths Plus
Scisoft, 1984
Intermediate Level Science
Scisoft, 1984
Intermediate Maths 1
Rose Software, 1982
Intermediate Maths 2
Rose Software, 1984
Introducing Science Extra - Using Your Computer
BBC Software
Introduction to Trigonometry
D.A. Clarke, 1985
Introduction to Trigonometry
Griffin Software [2], 1984
Invader Maths
Galaxy Software, 1983
Inventions 1
Sinclair Research Ltd, 1982
VideoSpectrum, 1986
Inves Spectrum+ Guia de Funcionamiento
Investronica S.A., 1986
Invisible Man
Chalksoft Ltd, 1983
Invisible Mr. Men, The
Mirrorsoft Ltd, 1985
Irregular Verbs
Castle Software
Is and Are
Teachers Pet Software, 1989
Load 'n' Run [IT], 1985
Italian is Fun
CDS Microsystems, 1984
Italia Tour
Load 'n' Run [IT], 1985
Jack and the Pirates
Turtle Software, 1986
Jack in Crazyland
Turtle Software, 1985