Раздел: Текстовые адвентюры
Игр в разделе: 2218
Challenge of Iythus, The
Creative Juices, 1988
Dodgy Geezers
Melbourne House, 1986
Doomsday Papers, The
Matand Software, 1986
Herron Software, 1985
River Software, 1987
Mozg Procesor
Computer Adventure Studio, 1989
Helm, The
Firebird Software Ltd, 1985
Zenobi Software, 1993
Mafia Contract
Atlantis Software Ltd, 1984
Pride of the Federation
Excalibur Software [2], 1987
Scary Mansion
Zodiac Software, 1987
Micro Mutant, The
Compass Software, 1991
Number 6 in the Village [2]
Philip Richmond, 1987
Arnold the Adventurer
Zenobi Software, 1990
Viejo Archivero, El
Aventuras Level 10, 1988
Hammer of Grimmold, The
River Software, 1987
Khangrin Plans, The
Zenobi Software, 1992
Smok Wawelski
Krajowe Wydawnictwo Czasopism, 1987
Spytrek Adventure
Americana Software Ltd, 1986
Keeper, The
Central Solutions, 1986