Раздел: Спорт-менеджмент
Игр в разделе: 247
ZX Football Manager 2005
Perspective Group, 2004
Treble Champions
E&J Software, 1989
Football Director II
D&H Games, 1987
International Manager
D&H Games, 1986
Match, The
Cult Games, 1991
Premier League
E&J Software, 1985
On the Bench
Cult Games, 1988
Cup Football
Cult Games, 1988
Super League
Cross Software, 1983
World Soccer League
E&J Software, 1989
Soccer Rivals
Cult Games, 1991
Soccer Director
GTI Software, 1990
Manager, The
GTI Software, 1990
Multi-Player Soccer Manager
D&H Games, 1991
World Soccer
Zeppelin Games Ltd, 1990
Professional Footballer
Cult Games, 1991
Rugby Coach
Cult Games, 1991
National, The
D&H Games, 1988
Premier II
E&J Software, 1986
Rugby Manager
Mastertronic Plus, 1989