Раздел: Текстовые адвентюры
Игр в разделе: 2218
Five Doctors, The
Kevin O'Shea, 1986
Aventura A o B: Cazador de Vampiros
Mesto Robotu
Zenitcentrum HZ UV SSM, 1989
Jester Quest
Nebula Designs Software, 1988
Gordello Incident, The
Tartan Software, 1989
Wiz Lair
Atlantic Soft, 1989
Xcellent Software
Mission X
Walter Pooley, 1986
Slaughter Caves, The
Zenobi Software, 1989
Kobyashi Ag'Kwo
Zenobi Software, 1991
Extraordinarios Casos del Dr. Van Halen Caso 3: Cantos de Anubis, Los
Josep Coletas Caubet, 2005
Pendant of Logryn, The
Jamie Murphy, 1989
Dinamic Software, 1984
MicroHobby, 1989
Deadly Mission
John Henry Enterprises, 1987
Zia Rosa
RUN [2], 1986
Last Warrior, The
Jorge Peralta, Luis Peralta, 1991
First Past the Post
Delbert the Hamster Software, 1992
Soap Land
Zodiac Software, 1987
Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The
Virgin Games Ltd, 1987