Раздел: Текстовые адвентюры
Игр в разделе: 2218
Aventura Original, La
Aventuras AD S.A., 1989
Twice Shy
Mosaic Publishing Ltd, 1986
Jhothamia 6
The Guild, 1987
Magic Mountain
Phipps Associates, 1983
Indiana Jones 3
Fuxoft, 1990
Segunda Muerte de Dracula, La
Iron Chip, 2001
Serra Pelada
Einar Saukas, 2012
Temple Terror
Atlantis Software Ltd, 1985
Secret Mission
Adventure International, 1985
Thirty-Nine Steps, The
Zenobi Software, 1995
Agatha's Folly
Zenobi Software, 1989
Saga of Erik the Viking, The
Mosaic Publishing Ltd, 1984
Square Peg, 1991
Civil Service
Zenobi Software, 1994
Fantasia Diamond
Hewson Consultants Ltd, 1984
Kingdom of Grain
THD, 1992
Behind Closed Doors 3: Revenge of the Ants
Zenobi Software, 1989
Jack the Ripper
CRL Group PLC, 1987
Slaughter Caves, The
Zenobi Software, 1989
Starship Quest
FSF Adventures, 1989