ZX Spectrum


Hewson Consultants Ltd (Великобритания),

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Аннотация к Stormlord

Вам предстоит освободить плененных фей и спасти свое королевство от злобной Королевы. Ваша миссия – защитить мир и спокойствие, спасая феи и избегая опасностей.
Игра включает в себя разнообразные уровни, на каждом из которых нужно освободить определенное количество фей, прежде чем перейти дальше. По всему миру Stormlord раскиданы полезные предметы, которые помогут вам пройти уровни и освободить фей. Приходится искать правильный порядок использования предметов и использовать их с умом.
Ваше путешествие будет полным опасностей, таких как венерианские мухоловки, огромные черви, мухи, драконы и другие враги. Вам придется либо уничтожать их, либо уклоняться от них, чтобы достичь своей цели.
Для преодоления больших расстояний вы можете использовать трамплины, которые мгновенно переносят вас в дальние уголки мира игры.

Карта игры Stormlord

Карта Stormlord

Карта Stormlord

Карта игры Stormlord

Карта Stormlord

Карта Stormlord

Карта игры Stormlord

Карта Stormlord

Карта Stormlord

Краткая информация о Stormlord

Играйте в Stormlord онлайн. Квестовая игра, выпущенная в Великобритании в 1989 году командой Hewson Consultants Ltd, которую разработали Raffaele Cecco, J. Dave Rogers, Nick Jones и Hugh Binns.

Аннотация к Stormlord

You have to free captive fairies and save your kingdom from the evil Queen. Your mission is to protect peace and tranquility by rescuing fairies and avoiding dangers.
The game includes diverse levels, in each of which you need to free a certain number of fairies before progressing. Useful items are scattered throughout the world of Stormlord, which will assist you in completing the levels and freeing the fairies. You’ll have to find the right order of item usage and utilize them wisely.
Your journey will be filled with dangers such as Venus flytraps, gigantic worms, flies, dragons, and other enemies. You’ll have to either destroy them or evade them to reach your goal.
To overcome long distances, you can use teleporters that instantly transport you to distant corners of the game world.

Оригинальное описание Stormlord


Hewson Consultants Ltd

[Stormlord logo]

By Raffaele Cecco and Nick Jones

48K ZX Spectrum, ZX Spectrum Plus, ZX Spectrum 128, +2, +3, Amstrad CPC 464, CPC 664 and CPC 6128, Commodore 64 and 128

Loading instructions

Spectrum Cassette

48K ZX Spectrum, ZX Spectrum Plus or ZX Spectrum 128 with cassette player, ZX Spectrum +2

You are advised to disconnect all hardware from the rear edge connector with the exception of your joystick interface (if any). When using a Sinclair Interface 2 or the ZX Spectrum +2 plug the appropriate joystick into port 1. Unless using a ZX Spectrum +2 connect a cassette player to the computer in the usual manner. ZX Spectrum +2 and 128 users should select 48K mode. Rewind the cassette if necessary, enter LOAD “” on the computer keyboard and press ENTER key. Press the Play key on the cassette player. The game takes a few minutes to load.

Amstrad Cassette

Amstrad CPC 464

Amstrad CPC 664 or Amstrad CPC 6128 with cassette player and suitable leads.

Amstrad CPC 664 and CPC 6128 users should connect a cassette player to the computer and enter |tape and press the ENTER key. Press the cassette in the player, rewind if necessary and press the CTRL and ENTER keys. Press the Play on the cassette player and then any key on the computer keyboard. The game takes a few minutes to load.

Amstrad Disc

Amstrad CPC 6128 or Amstrad CPC 664

Amstrad CPC 464 with disc drive

Amstrad CPC 464 users should connect a disc drive to the computer and enter |disc and press the ENTER key. Place the disc in the drive and enter RUN “disc and press the RETURN or ENTER key. The game takes a few seconds to load.

Commodore Cassette

Commodore 64 or Commodore 128 with suitable cassette player.

You are advised to disconnect all hardware from your computer. Connect the cassette player to the computer, place the cassette in the player and rewind if necessary. Press the SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys on the computer keyboard and press the Play key on the cassette player. The game takes a few minutes to load.

Commodore Disc

Commodore 64 or Commodore 128 with disc drive.

You are advised to disconnect all hardware from your computer. Connect the disc drive to the computer and place the disc in the drive. Enter LOAD “”, 8, 1 and press the RETURN key. The game takes a few seconds to load.


Free the imprisoned fairy folk before they are obliterated by an evil Queen. She stoops to conquer the land Stormlord inhabits, destroying the peaceful euphoria with each annihilation.

Stormlord’s mission – free the captured and defend the peace and tranquility of his realm. Unfortunately, he must repel the wicked monarch, but should he fail, the evil Queen and her dark sovereignty will reign forever…

Playing stormlord

The game objective is to release the impounded fairies before time runs out. Each level of the game has a small number of fairies that must be released before you can progress onto the next level.

Scattered about Stormlord’s world are various objects that must be used intelligently to free the fairies and help get through certain parts of the world. To pick up an object or to swap an already held object with one on the ground, simply walk into it. Only time and practice will grace you with the knowledge of where to use certain objects and in what order they should be used, etc.

You will encounter Venus fly traps, huge worms, flies, dragons and many more foes on your travels. All of these must either be destroyed or avoided at all costs.

To gain access to far and remote parts of the world, powerful spring-boards can be used to cover large distances in a few seconds. To use a spring-board, simply step onto the middle of it and you will be propelled into the air.

End of level sub-game

When all the fairies have been released, Stormlord will take part in a mini game in order to try and gain an extra life. The object of this sub-game is to capture as many tears as possible within the allocated time. An extra life is awarded when more than 10 tears have been collected.

Instead of throwing thunder bolts and swords as normal, Stormlord will now blow a limited number of kisses, represented by red hearts, at the flying fairies. If a heart should touch a fairy, she will fall in love, drop a tear for Stormlord to collect, and then fly away. But be quick as the tears will dissolve into the ground quite soon after landing.

Control keys

The first five of the following keys can be redefined to suit personal taste (or use joystick instead.)

O – Left

P – Right

Q – Jump (The longer it’s held down the higher the jump)

A – Crouch

SPACE Fire – The longer it’s held down the further bolts go When held down for the maximum amount of time, a more powerful sword will be thrown instead (use these for larger foes on later levels.)

To pause the game or frame advance it, press CAPS SHIFT and SYMBOL SHIFT simultaneously.

To abort the game, press Y, U, I, O and P simultaneously.

Information panel

From left to right the panel sections are as follows:

1. Lives left

2. Elapsed time represented by a sun that changes to a moon

3. Score

4. Currently held object (When blank nothing is held.)

5. 1st digit = fairies so far found.

2nd digit = total amount of fairies to be found on the current level.


Designed and written by Rafaelle Cecco and Nick Jones.

Graphics by Hugh Binns.

Music by Dave Rogers (Spectrum and Amstrad) and The Maniacs of Noise (C64).

Produced by Paul Chamberlain.

(c) Hewson Consultants 1989.

The program and data are copyright and may not be reproduced in part or in total by any means without the written permission of Hewson Consultants Ltd. All rights reserved. No responsibility is accepted for any errors.

Our policy is one of constant improvement. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify and product without notice.

Hewson Consultants Ltd [Hewson logo]

56B Milton Park, Milton, Abingdon, Oxon

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Ikari Warrior

Крутая игра, качественная и красочная. Для 89 года так вообще годнота 🙂

Сохранённые игры[X]



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