ZX Spectrum

Train: Escape to Normandy, The

Electronic Arts (Великобритания),

Авторы: , , ,

Жанр: Симуляторы


  • Русский
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Аннотация к Train: Escape to Normandy, The

Игра, действие которой разворачивается во время Второй мировой войны. Вам предстоит украсть поезд, перевозящий ценные произведения искусства, и доставить его к союзным силам в безопасность. Составляйте стратегию с двумя отважными героями – опытным машинистом Ле Фе и метким стрелком Ле Дюком. Сражайтесь с врагами на станциях, уничтожайте вражеские самолеты и корабли, прикрывая друг друга по пути к свободе. Время играет ключевую роль, и успех миссии зависит от вашей координации и скорости реакции. Проведите операцию удачно и помогите союзникам освободить Францию от немецкой оккупации!

Оригинальное описание Train: Escape to Normandy, The (перевод)



Август 1944 года, Франция, оккупированная нацистской империей Гитлера, должна быть освобождена союзными войсками. Нацисты готовятся покинуть Францию. Гитлер хочет вернуть в Германию все произведения искусства, полученные в ходе завоевания. Наша задача – украсть поезд, на котором их должны перевезти, и доставить его из Меца, где мы его украли, в Ривьер, где находятся самые передовые силы союзников. Для такой важной миссии у нас есть два самых отважных эксперта в этом типе миссий: Ле Фе (опытный машинист и организатор группы) и Ле Дюк (меткий стрелок). На пути к Ривьеру мы встретим множество вражеских станций, которые нам придется брать силой, и мостов, которые мы должны будем пересечь, уничтожая вражеские корабли. Миссия будет проходить ночью, если рассвет наступит по пути, это будет фатально…

Ограбление поезда.

Чтобы Ле Фо смог угнать поезд, используйте Ле Дюка, чтобы стрелять в стрелков, которые будут появляться на станции. Когда Le Feu прибудет на смену трассы, вы сможете выбрать уровень игры, никогда не прекращая стрельбу, если не хотите, чтобы погиб ваш партнер или погибли вы.

Вид спереди.

Когда вы будете управлять поездом, вас периодически будут атаковать немецкие самолеты. Нажмите клавишу 1, чтобы открыть вид спереди, и стреляйте по самолетам, чтобы они не повредили поезд. Чтобы вернуться к виду кабины пилота, нажмите 3.

Задний вид.

Так же, как и в предыдущем случае, на вас могут напасть сзади. Нажмите 2, чтобы получить доступ к заднему виду и остановить продвижение немцев. Чтобы вернуться к управлению, нажмите 3.


1. ДРОССЕЛЬ (мощность)

2. ТЭН (котел)



5. STEAN BLOWOFF (паровой клапан)


7. СИГНАЛЬНЫЕ ИНДИКАТОРЫ CAB (индикаторы отклонения)

Все приборы активируются с помощью кнопки “огонь” и регуляторов направления.

Используя свисток, вы предупреждаете союзников об изменении пути движения.

Звонок один раз: Объезд направо.

Звонок дважды: Оставайтесь на этом пути.

Звук три раза: Объезд слева.

Индикаторы объезда: Загораются: Объезд справа

Средний свет: все еще на этом пути

Свет внизу: поверните налево


Когда мы управляем поездом, мы можем получить доступ к карте местности, нажав клавишу 4, где мы можем увидеть станции, мосты, изменения путей и т.д.


Вы должны уничтожить вражеские корабли, которые появляются на мостах, занятых немцами. Они будут непрерывно стрелять в вас, поэтому вы должны попасть в них за минимально возможное время, потому что если они попадут в вас с 7 выстрелов, вы будете уничтожены.

Времена года.

Когда мы достигнем станции, мы должны взять ее, как мы это сделали, когда грабили поезд в METZ, стреляя в окна по немецким стрелкам. Неустанно прикрывайте своего товарища. Как только мы захватим станцию, мы сможем отправить сообщение союзникам с просьбой захватить ее:

Перейдите на следующую станцию

Пройдите по следующему мосту

Выполнять ремонт поездов

После отправки сообщения союзники могут выполнить или не выполнить ваши просьбы, но что бы ни случилось, вы будете в курсе всех операций.


Q, A, O, P, P, ENTER выстрел

из поезда: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. опции просмотра и паузы.

Пробел – Пауза.

R – перезапуск.

S – включение/выключение звука

(c) Accolade Electronic Arts.

(D) Drosoft s.a. Франсиско Ремиро 5-7 28028 МАДРИД

Карта игры Train: Escape to Normandy, The

Карта Train: Escape to Normandy, The

Карта Train: Escape to Normandy, The

Краткая информация о Train: Escape to Normandy, The

Для игры в Train: Escape to Normandy, The не нужны эмуляторы. Симулятор, который подарили миру Accolade Inc, Nick Wilson, Train: Escape to Normandy, The и Imagitec Design Ltd, был выпущен командой Electronic Arts в 1988 году в Великобритании.

Аннотация к Train: Escape to Normandy, The

The game is set during World War II. You will have to steal a train carrying valuable works of art and deliver it to the allied forces safely. Formulate a strategy with two brave heroes – the experienced driver Le Fe and the sharpshooter Le Duke. Battle enemies at stations, destroy enemy planes and ships, covering each other on the path to freedom. Time plays a crucial role, and the success of the mission depends on your coordination and reaction speed. Carry out the operation successfully and help the allies liberate France from German occupation!

Оригинальное описание Train: Escape to Normandy, The

The Train – Escape To Normandy

Spectrum cassette

To start the game:


– Switch your spectrum to 48k mode.

– Insert the tape, label side up.

– Type LOAD “” and press return.

– Press play on your recorder.

For the Spectrum, there are some special instructions which are not included in the manual:

* Once The Train has loaded, you are given the option to select your method of control.

1. Keys.

2. Kempston-type joystick.

3. Sinclair-type joystick.

* If you are using the keyboard for control, follow the joystick instructions and substitute the following keys.

Q – Up/Forward

A – Down/Back

O – Left

P – Right

ENTER Fire Button

* Special Keys

At any time you may press:

R – To restart the game.

S – To toggle the sound on/off.

5 – To pause the game and view the status screen (except while taking a bridge or station).

Space – To pause the game at all times except while taking a station.

While the train is running (if you are not at a bridge or a station) you may press the number keys:

1 – Front gunner view.

2 – Rear gunner view.

3 – Engine cab.

4 – Map screen.

* You do not have the facility to use the joystick and double-clicking to access the four views as stated in the manual.

* The red triangle is a black triangle in the Spectrum version and the name of the control you are currently at is printed below the time.

* To operate the steam blowoff, you should hold down the fire button, then push forwards to blow off steam.

* You cannot enter your name in the high score table.

* Bridges are marked in yellow and not green on the map screen and no roads are marked on the map either.


Spectrum and Amstrad programmed by: Nick Wilson

Spectrum and Amstrad graphics by: Imagitec Design Ltd.

Producer: Jocelyn Ellis

Assistant Producer: Kevin Shrapnell

Software (c) 1988 by Electronic Arts Ltd.

Manual (c) 1987, 1988 by Accolade TM. Inc. All rights reserved.

Licensed from Artech Digital Entertainments, Inc.

Published in Europe by Electronic Arts Ltd.

Amstrad is a registered trademark of Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc.

Spectrum is a registered trademark of Spectrum Consumer Electronics plc.

The train

Playing instructions

To Start The Game

1. Connect your joystick to port #2.

2. Turn on your Commodore 64/128.

3. Insert the cassette label side up and rewind tape fully.

4. Hold down SHIFT and press the RUN/STOP key.

5. Press PLAY on your recorder.

6. The Train will load in approximately 5 minutes.

7. Follow the on screen prompts at the end of each section.

The story

August 1944. Occupied France is soon to be liberated by the advancing Allies The German grip on Europe is crumbling and an evacuation of men, materials and plunder is underway. The prize and pride of France, its entire art collection, is to be expropriated and shipped by rail to Berlin. The German hope is to hold the art treasure for ransom, in the now inevitable surrender negotiations.

You and other members of the French Underground Resistance Movement must first “take” the heavily guarded train in the main yards at Metz. If you manage to escape and make your way onto the main line then the real game begins. Casualties may be high. You must be prepared to engineer the train yourself but you will have help.

The train is on a siding, heavily guarded. The steam pressure is up, ready to go, awaiting orders to head east for Berlin at midnight. (Daylight runs were suicide at this point in the war.) You must take possession of the train and head west to the border to meet up with the Allies by dawn. Your cargo – priceless Monets, Gauguins, Renoirs, Picassos, Miros – an unimaginable art treasure – is in your charge. On board the train, a Resistance crew will assist you in deciphering the whistles, signals, lights and signs necessary to make your way safely on the line.

While on the train you will be receiving help from the underground movement. They will provide you with information updates and signals and assist you in track switching and support. However, due to bombing and sabotage the usual safety systems and track circuits may be damaged or be unreliable. Be careful!

Bonne Chance!

The characters

Pierre LeFeu (played by you) who is a first-time engineer by circumstance, and his injured companion – Le Duc – who has had some previous experience as a fireman on a train. Both are members of the French Underground Resistance Movement.

Object of the game

* Take the art train to Riviere to meet the advancing Allies.

* Achieve a high score by:

shooting as many enemy fighter planes as possible

taking as many enemy stations as possible

taking as many enemy bridges as possible

protecting the train and its precious art cargo from damage

Special Keys

* At any time you may press:

F1 – to restart the game

F3 – to toggle the sound on/off

F7 – to pause the game and view the status screen (except while taking a bridge or station)

SPACE – to pause the game at all times except while taking a station.

* While the train is running (if you are not at a bridge or a station) you may press the number keys

1 – front gunner view

2 – rear gunner view

3 – engine cab

4 – map screen

* You may also switch screens (not while you are at a station or a bridge) by DOUBLE clicking the fire button and then pushing the joystick:

UP – for the front gunner view

DOWN – for the rear gunner view

RIGHT – for the engine cab

LEFT – for the map screen

* When you are on the cab screen, the joystick left/right moves the cursor (red triangle shape) to each of the various controls. The name of the control you are currently at is printed at the bottom left, just above the time.

* To operate any of the controls you must PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, as well as operate the joystick.


PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, then press:

BACK to accelerate

FORWARD to decelerate


PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, then press:

DOWN to open the furnace door,

RELEASE the fire button and push the joystick to the RIGHT to shovel coal then,

PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, and press UP to close the furnace door.


PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, then press:

DOWN to turn ON the brake,

UP turn OFF the brake.

Forward Reverse Lever

PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, then press:

DOWN to put the train into REVERSE gear,

UP to put the train into FORWARD gear.

Steam Blowoff

PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, then press:

DOWN to blow off steam.


PUSH AND HOLD the fire button, then press:

DOWN to blow the whistle once.

Cab Signal Indicators

The cab signal box has three green lights that indicate the signals and semaphore conditions on the line.

top light red = switch is set right

middle red = middle (left on double switches or middle on triple)

bottom red = switch is set left (only an triple switches).

To Switch Lines

The Resistance will switch the line for the speeding train if you are near a switch. The light changes red as the train approaches a switch to show the current switch position.

Whistle once to light top position

Whistle twice to light the middle position

Whistle thrice to light bottom position

Special Events

Taking the Train

* Use the joystick (all positions) to aim your gun, fire button to shoot.

* Use the SPACEBAR to duck enemy fire. If the trail of enemy fire should hit you the game will be over.

* Le Duc will signal … he runs as you give him cover – if you stop firing he ducks for cover himself.

* Use the joystick (left/right) to select between the three levels, indicated bottom of the screen, when he reaches the switch.

* Points are awarded for each hit.

Taking a Bridge

* You must take enemy bridges! Attempting to run a bridge will end the game.

* Use joystick to aim you cannon, fire button to shoot.

* If the boat that is currently firing should fire seven shots before you destroy it, the game will be over.

Taking a Station


* Plays the same as Taking the Train.

Using the Telegraph

If a station has been taken or is otherwise free, the telegraph may be used to send or receive messages to the underground Resistance. German intelligence reports and previous communications will also be found.

To send communication to the Resistance select one of the option requests – take next station, next bridge or make repairs to the train. If there are two stations the “next” station name is given. You must choose one selection only.

After a message is sent a confirmation is received from the Resistance. If they cannot comply (the player has no more requests left) the player is informed. Repairs are made at the station indicated in the return message. You have two hours to reach the stop and enter the telegraph room there. “Making Repairs” is announced. Other confirmations are “Will take station or bridge at xx:xx hours: minutes.” A station or bridge taken remains free for two hours. A station which is in Resistance hands is shown as a red dot on the map. A German held station is blue.

Entering a High Score

Enter your name in using the keyboard making sure it is no longer than 11 characters long. If a mistake has been made use the INST DEL key to delete the last character typed. When you are finished press RETURN.


You are awarded points as follows:

* soldiers at stations = 50 pts. each

* boats sunk before they fire up to:

4 shells = 250 pts.

5 shells = 200 pts.

6 shells = 150 pts.

7 shells = 100 pts.

8 shells = 50 pts.

9 shells = train destroyed

* enemy fighters from front or rear= 300 pts. each


* Damage to the boiler is caused by taking too much machine gun fire, excessive demands for speed and steam pressure.

* Brakes are damaged from the misuse at high speeds.

* You yourself may be shot in any of the firing sequences.

* Damage to the art treasure is a direct reflection of the amount of fire taken or destruction of the train.

Repairs, coal & water

Repairs can be obtained from the Resistance repair crews. See telegraph for instructions.

Running out of water or coal slows the engine to an eventual standstill – as does damage to the boiler. Plan the station stops. If you must stop and either are uncertain whether a station is safe or not, you will have to be prepared to take the station by force if necessary. Coal and water are supplied at each station.

Ending the game

The game ends when you meet the advancing Allies line (eg. after you take the Riviere), damage is so excessive the train cannot move, the art car itself is hit and the mission lost, or you abandon the train in a hopeless situation. If you inadvertently shoot your companion the game is over.

The map

The map show the position of the bridges marked in green. German held stations are shown as blue dots while Resistance held stations are red. Major and secondary roads are marked in red and light red crossing tracks at various spots. The main yard stations are labeled: Metz, Nancy, etc. The smaller “whistle stops” and stations are shown on the accompanying topo map.

The train & cars

The train and cars consist of:

* single piston type H engine

* coal car with machine gun mounted atop

* the three cargo cars with the art work

* the mid-train cannon 155mm mounted on a flat car

* the telegraph car or caboose – rear gun

Strategy & tips

Remember, as a general strategy rule, that it is in both parties interest to preserve the racks, bridges, etc. at all times. The Germans for instance will not outright bomb the train – as they need the lines for their impending retreat. The Allies need the track for their advance. The Germans do no want a derailment either!

The main line is vital. You may find that the Germans are more eager to risk the track on some of the minor rails and sidings.

The reverse lever allows you to back up if you miss a station or a switch. Stop near a switch to practice using the whistle to set and reset lines. Some crossings and siding lines simply join without switches.

Оригинальное описание Train: Escape to Normandy, The (перевод)

The Train

The story.

August 1944, France, occupied by Hitler’s Nazi empire, is to be liberated by Allied forces. The Nazis are preparing to leave France. Hitler wants to take back to Germany all the works of art obtained in the conquest. Our mission is to steal the train on which they are to be transported, and take it from Metz, where we steal it, to Riviere, where the most advanced Allied forces are located. For such an important mission we have two of the most courageous experts in this type of mission: Le Feu (expert machinist and mastermind of the group) and Le Duc (expert marksman). On our way to Riviere we will encounter numerous enemy stations that we will have to take by force, and bridges that we will have to cross by destroying enemy ships. The mission will take place during the night, if dawn breaks on the way it would be fatal…

Robbing the train.

In order for Le Feu to steal the train, use Le Duc to shoot the shooters that will appear in the station. When Le Feu arrives at the track change, you will be able to choose the level of play, never stop shooting if you don’t want your partner to die or you to be killed.

Front view.

When you are driving the train, you will occasionally be attacked by German planes in front of you. Press the 1 key to access the front view and shoot at the planes to prevent them from damaging the train. To return to the cockpit view press 3.

Rear view.

In the same way as in the previous case, you can be attacked from behind. Press 2 to access the rear view and stop the Germans from advancing. To return to the controls, press 3.


1. THROTTLE (power)

2. FURNACE (Boiler)



5. STEAN BLOWOFF (Steam valve)


7. CAB SIGNAL INDICATORS (Deviation Indicators)

All instruments are activated with the fire button and the directional controls.

By using the whistle, you alert allies to move track changes.

Ringing once: Detour to the right.

Ring twice: Stay on that track.

Sound three times: Detour to the left.

Detour indicators: Light up: Detour to the right

Medium light: still on that track

Light below: turn left


When we are driving the train we can access the map of the area by pressing the 4 key, where we can see the stations, bridges, changes of tracks, etc.


You must destroy the enemy ships that appear on the bridges occupied by the Germans. They will shoot at you incessantly, so you must hit them in the shortest possible time, because if they hit you with 7 shots you will be destroyed.

The seasons.

When we reach a station, we must take it, just as we did when we robbed the train in METZ by shooting at the German marksmen in the windows. Cover your comrade relentlessly. Once we have taken the station, we can send a message to the Allies asking them to take it:

Take the next station

Take the next bridge

Perform train repairs

After sending the message the allies may or may not comply with your requests, but whatever happens you will be informed of all operations.


Q, A, O, P, ENTER shot

from train: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. view and pause options.

Space – Pause.

R – restart.

S – sound ON/OFF

(c) Accolade Electronic Arts.

(D) Drosoft s.a. francisco Remiro 5-7 28028 MADRID

Оригинальное описание Train: Escape to Normandy, The

The Train

La historia.

Agosto de 1944, Francia, ocupada por el imperio Nazi de Hitler va a ser liberada por las fuerzas aliadas. Los nazis se disponen a abandonar Francia. Hitler quiere llevar a Alemania todas las obras de arte obtenidas en la conquista. Nuestra misión es robar el tren en el cual van a ser trasladadas, y llevarlo desde Metz, donde lo robamos, hasta Riviere, donde se encuentran las fuerzas aliadas mas avanzadas. Para tan importante misión disponemos de dos de los mas valerosos expertos en este tipo de misiones: Le Feu (experto maquinista y cerebro del grupo) y Le Duc (Experto tirador). En nuestro camino hacia Riviere nos encontraremos numerosas estaciones enemigas que deberemos tomar por la fuerza, y puentes que deberemos atravesar destruyendo barcos enemigos. La misión se desarrollará durante la noche, si amaneciese en el camino sería fatal…

Robando el tren.

Para que Le Feu pueda robar el tren, usa a Le Duc disparando sin cesar sobre los tiradores que aparecerán en la estación. Cuando Le Feu llega al cambio de via, podrás elegir nivel de juego, no ceses de disparar nunca si no quieres que muera tu compañero o que te maten a ti.

Vista frontal.

Cuando estes manejando el tren, de vez en cuando serás atacado por aviones alemanes de frente a ti pulsa la tecla 1 para acceder a la vista frontal y disparar a los aviones y evitar que éstos dañen el tren. Para volver a la vista de la cabina pulsa 3.

Vista trasera.

De la misma forma que en el caso anterior, te pueden atacar los aviones desde atrás. Con la tecla 2 accedes a la vista trasera para detener el avance de la aviación alemana. Para volver a los mandos pulsa 3.

Cabina de mandos.

1. THROTTLE (potencia)

2. FURNACE (Caldera)

3. BRAKE (Freno)

4. FORWARD REVERSE (Marcha atras)

5. STEAN BLOWOFF (Válvula de vapor)

6. WHISTLE (Silbato)

7. CAB SIGNAL INDICATORS (Indicadores de desvío)

Todos los instrumentos se activan con el botón de disparo y los controles de dirección.

Al usar el silbato, avisas a los aliados para mover los cambios de vías.

Suena una vez: Desvío a la derecha.

Suena dos veces: Sigue en esa vía.

Suena tres veces: Desvío a la izquierda.

Los indicadores de desvío: Luz arriba: desvío a la derecha

Luz medio: sigue en esa vía

Luz abajo: desvío a la izquierda


Cuando estamos manejando el tren podemos acceder al mapa de la zona pulsando la tecla 4, donde podremos ver las estaciones, puentes, cambios de vías etc.

Los puentes.

Debes destruir los barcos enemigos que aparecen en los puentes ocupados por los alemanes. Éstos te dispararan sin cesar por lo que deberas acertarles en el menor tiempo posible, ya que si te aciertan 7 disparos te habrán destruido.

Las estaciones.

Cuando lleguemos a una estación, debemos tomarla, al igual que cuando robamos el tren en METZ disparando contra los tiradores alemanes de las ventanas. Cubre a tu compañero sin cesar. Una vez tomada la estación podremos dirigir un mensaje a los aliados solicitando:

Coger la siguiente estación

Coger el siguiente puente

Realizar reparaciones en el tren

Despues de enviar el mensaje los aliados pueden o no cumplir tus peticiones, pase lo que pase serás informado de todas las operaciones.


Q, A, O, P, ENTER disparo

desde el tren: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. opciones de vistas y pausa.

Space – Pausa.

R – recomenzar.

S – sonido ON/OFF

(c) Accolade Electronic Arts.

(D) Drosoft s.a. francisco Remiro 5-7 28028 MADRID

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