Раздел: Текстовые адвентюры
Игр в разделе: 2218
Adventure International, 1984
Urban Upstart
Richard Shepherd Software Ltd, 1983
Big Sleaze, The
Piranha, 1987
Level 9 Computing Ltd, 1989
Axe of Kolt, The
FSF Adventures, 1990
Shadows of Mordor
Melbourne House, 1987
Moonscape - Escape from the Moon
Simon Allan Software, 2008
Everyday Tale of a Seeker of Gold, An
Zenobi Software, 1986
Temple of Terror
US Gold Ltd, 1987
House on the Tor, The
Zenobi Software, 1990
Giant Killer
Topologika, 1988
Bardic Rite, The
Zenobi Software, 1994
Red Moon
Level 9 Computing Ltd, 1985
Mandarin Software, 1988
Very Big Cave Adventure, The
CRL Group PLC, 1986
Loads of Midnight
CRL Group PLC, 1987
Alien Research Centre
Zenobi Software, 1990
Microfair Madness
Delbert the Hamster Software, 1991
Rainbird Software Ltd, 1988
Wizards Spell
Tynesoft, 1986