Раздел: Текстовые адвентюры
Игр в разделе: 2218
Bored of the Rings
Delta 4 Software, 1985
Alien Research Centre
Zenobi Software, 1990
Zenobi Software, 1992
Davy Jones Locker
River Software, 1987
Search for the Nether Regions
Zenobi Software, 1994
Wizards Spell
Tynesoft, 1986
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Essential Myth, 1988
The Guild, 1990
Hulk, The
Adventure International, 1984
Johnnie Verso
Wazertown Works, 1991
Alternative Software Ltd, 1987
Temple of Vran
Incentive Software Ltd, 1984
Pajaros de Bangkok, Los
Dinamic Software, 1988
Level 9 Computing Ltd, 1989
Thirty-Nine Steps, The
Zenobi Software, 1995
Aventuras AD S.A., 1990
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, The
Adventure International, 1985
Fuddo & Slam
Zenobi Software, 1988
Moonscape - Escape from the Moon
Simon Allan Software, 2008
Land Beyond Time, The
Simon Allan Software, 2006